Ko Flit Tīrairaka me te Mahere Matariki - TE REO MĀORI
Ko Flit Tīrairaka me te Mahere Matariki - TE REO MĀORI EDITION
Kua ngaro a Flit te Tīrairaka me Keri te Kiwi i te pōuriuri o te Wao a Tāne. Ka maumahara a Flit ki te kāhui whetū i kitea rā e ia i runga ake o tana kōhanga, ka whakarite mahere ai e hoki pai ai rāua ki te kōhanga.
Ko te tuatoru tēnei i te huinga pukapuka e kaingākau nuitia ana, i tuhia rā e te kaituhi o te pukapuka kua kaha hokona, arā, ko Kuwi te Kiwi.
The third in the gorgeous series written and illustrated by Kat Quin and published by Scholastic New Zealand.
♡ Books are individually autographed by author/illustrator Kat
Did you know?
Ko Flit Tīrairaka me te Mahere Matariki is the Māori tanslated version of Flit the Fantail and the Matariki Map. Check it out here.